Friday, November 17, 2006

Tim and Emily's Wedding in Philly

We had so much fun in PA!!!! We took Carson to the Please Touch Children's Museum and also to Liberty Square and the Liberty Bell. Carson was the "perfect toddler" as quoted by many passengers on our plane. He even counted to 20 right before the last plane landed to all the passengers delight. He is starting to really turn on his charm and is talking so much!! The wedding was also so much fun! Hope to see most of you for Thanksgiving!!!! Happy Holidays and keep warm!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Halloween & Fall

Well this Fall was fun but short! Carson has had fun playing with his best friend Lua and her new baby brother Charlie!!! He also had fun playing with Grandma and Grandpa Stan's new puppy!!! Carson is still in love with Pooh so of course that was who he had to be for Halloween. Next year i think we will go for a costume not so warm. Even at Como Zoo for the Zoo Boo, Carson was very hot. His ECFE class also had a bit of a party, it was difficult to get the shots of all those kids! Hope everyone is well, and I will try to get our Philly pictures up soon!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Walt Disney World

This trip was a blast!!!! We were a bit worried how Carson was going to do, but he loved it. I fell in love with Winnie the Pooh. Everyday no matter what the plan was it had to involve seeing Pooh Bear and his friends, we were lucky and we did see them everyday and they even played with Carson in Pooh's Thoughtful Spot Playground. Matt and I were able to have a nanny come during Carson's naps at the hotel and explore the four theme parks on our own and do "grown up stuff". This trip was a little wet but it was worth it, we felt like we had the parks all to ourselves with no lines and the characters ready to play!